I have been working with Wilson Mining facilitating their Safety improvement program for the past 4 years and have the utmost respect for their consistent approach to Safety Leadership, Attitudes and Behaviours. During this time we have conducted safety leadership courses for every employee (2 day course for leaders, 1 day course for workers) and incident investigation courses for selected leaders. Wilson people have all shown enthusiasm to engage in the ‘people side of safety’ where we work on leadership, communication, teamwork, job planning and problem solving skills. This skills development has enabled them to improve their own personal safety behaviours and the way they lead and manage safety on the job. And for many of them what we learn about safety has then become a way of life that is taken home. When that happens we find people start to value safety as a whole of life skill and we see real cultural change and the sort of positive safety results that are now occurring at Wilson. Lastly let me say that I am fully confident that the CEO and the management team fully support the safety training and am excited by the prospect of continuing to work with Wilsons to make sure ‘we all get home safe’!